See what we are doing as reflected in the press!
“LVB: Easement could hurt farmer’s ability to borrow,” read article
“Andrew Wagaman: Lehigh Valley needs to do more to meet farmland preservation goals, panel says,” read article
“Wally Ely: Lehigh Valley shouldn’t miss the next train, ” read article
“Joyce Marin and Julie Thomases: Looking ahead to smarter growth, planning for Lehigh Valley,” read article
“Alan Jennings: Valley’s blossoming but there’s work to be done,” read article
In Review
This year has been a landmark year for RenewLV. On Dec. 4th at RenewLV’s Summit for Smart Growth, Joe McHugh, Senior VP of Amtrak and Allentown native, sat down with leaders for a deep dive about bringing passenger rail to the Lehigh Valley. Mr. McHugh said that if all went well, passenger rail could be restored by 2020. He also stated that we could take an Amtrak excursion train on a Saturday or Sunday from Allentown to New York City as early as this spring.
The press and enthusiasm supporting passenger rail has been remarkable! Through social media, we asked “Do you support re-establishing passenger rail between the Lehigh Valley and NYC?” Almost 110,000 people have seen this poll. The reponse has been overwhelmingly supportive. If you have not already done so, please take the time to please join the over 600 hundred in responding to survey,
Additional RenewLV 2015 successes include:
- Hosting six food related events to catalyzed the creation of the Lehigh Valley Food Council to grow our local food economy and eliminate food insecurity. Six more events to come in 2016!
- Highlighted the urgent need for Farmland Preservation through urging county commissioners to allocate $500,000 toward Farmland Preservation in Lehigh County.
- Gathered hundreds of community leaders, entrepreneurs, employers and farmers into the same room where connections were made, ideas were born and solutions were crafted. As a result, interest in establishing food hubs is breaking out in neighborhoods all over the Lehigh Valley.
Change is in the air and on the ground! We are at a crucial juncture-we need your help to keep the forward momentum and support our ongoing work as a catalyst for change in 2016. We hope you will help us make a difference and donate now.
3rd Annual Summit for Smart Growth and Sustainable Communities
The 2015 Summit for Smart Growth was a booming success! The event brought together almost 2oo community members and leaders committed to forwarding a Smart Growth agenda in the Lehigh Valley. Here is just some of the amazing attention drawn to to our core initiatives.
- To date, almost 17,863 people have viewed RenewLV’s Facebook post summarizing the passenger rail Summit Table Talk and 1,650 people watched our YouTube video of Allentown’s Mayor Pawlowski announcing Amtrak’s offer to test passenger rail from the Lehigh Valley to New York.
- We created a yes/no survey asking, “Do you support re-establishing passenger rail between the Lehigh Valley and NYC?”Almost 112,500 people saw the poll and more than 3,000 have responded. The results are resoundingly positive – only seven people “voted” no.
- The media responded to your fervent interest. The Morning Call,, Lehigh Valley Liveand Lehigh Valley Business reported on the news announced in our video.
- As a result of these meetings and the Summit, the Lehigh Valley Food Policy council was launched and the food hub idea is moving from idea to action.
Packed room for 3rd Annual Summit for Smart Growth
Farmland Preservation Highlighted in Morning Call
“Thomases and Beitler: Lehigh County has chance to boost farmland preservation,” read Morning Call article

“Joyce Marin: What’s next step in planning Lehigh Valley’s future,” read Morning Call article
“Joyce Marin and Michelle Diaz: Eating locally grown food benefits our health and region’s economy.” Read the article

Take the EnvisionLV Sustainability Challenge from Joyce and the Morning Call
Can Boston’s revival serve as a “How-to Guide” for revival in the Lehigh Valley-Read the article
November Newsletter- Envision Newsletter
A closer look at Renew Lehigh Valley - Read the article
State of the Lehigh Valley Report Findings - Read the article
Job Growth Lagging, State of the Lehigh Valley Report - Read the article
Lehigh County Authority Would Serve Allentown Water System Well- Op-ed From the RenewLV Board- Read the article
Slate Belt leaders offer collective views for area’s future - Read the article
Coalition asks people to help shape the Lehigh Valley’s future - Read the article
Envision LV looks to the Lehigh Valley’s future - Read the article
Envision Lehigh Valley on Lehigh Valley Discourse - Read the article
Smart Growth America, Septic Tanks and Development Policy - Read the article
The Morning Call, Planners’ Dream: Adjoining Neighborhoods - Read the article
Lehigh Valley Live, Water Tainted by Fracking Dumped Into Delaware River Tributary - Read the article
RenewLV E-Newsletter Archives
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